Greenest Carwash
Since 2011, Greenest Carwash has grown to become the largest on-site vehicle cleaning company in the Netherlands. The company offers environmentally friendly cleaning services for cars, truck cabins, and machinery, using minimal water and exclusively biodegradable products. Greenest Carwash serves a wide range of clients, including government ministries, large corporations, and private individuals, cleaning thousands of vehicles each month across the country. Greenest Carwash recently changed ownership, with the new owner aiming to take the company to the next level.
The project
De nieuwe eigenaar heeft geconstateerd dat Greenest Carwash voor de uitdaging staat om hun dagelijkse operaties te optimaliseren en een uniform beheer voor meerdere franchises mogelijk te maken. De huidige gefragmenteerde systemen zorgden voor inefficiënties, vooral op het gebied van facturering en rapportage. Om deze problemen aan te pakken, was er behoefte aan een schaalbare software oplossing die zowel individuele contractanten (ZZP’ers) als franchisehouders ondersteunt.
The Greenest Carwash project focuses on developing a comprehensive software solution that consists of two main components: a web application for franchisees on-site and a dashboard for owners and franchisees. This solution will not only streamline daily operations but also ensure accurate and efficient administration and reporting.
To date
Momenteel is het projectteam bezig met de ontwikkeling van de webapplicatie voor individuele contractanten. Deze fase omvat het uitwerken van de kernfunctionaliteiten, zoals inloggen met een pincode, het uploaden van kentekens, en integratie met API’s voor voertuigherkenning en -verificatie. Door de focus te leggen op een gebruiksvriendelijke interface, streven we ernaar de dagelijkse taken van franchisenemer eenvoudiger en efficiënter te maken.
The future
In Phase 2, the emphasis will be on finalizing the user flows for the web application and creating a clickable low-fidelity prototype, which we aim to test by the end of the period. This prototype will be functional without design or style elements. Additionally, we will begin building the architecture for the dashboard, with the expectation that the structure will be ready by the end of July. We also plan a feedback round for stakeholders to evaluate the prototype.
Throughout the development of this project, we have encountered various technical challenges, such as ensuring fast response times and maintaining data security. We have addressed these challenges by implementing robust technical solutions that meet the highest security standards and enable fast transaction processing.
Feedback round
For the design of both the web application and the dashboard, we have selected three potential styles. We invite stakeholders to indicate their preference so that we can proceed with the design process. If the proposed styles do not meet expectations, we are open to further feedback.
Andere cases
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